ChangeLog configuration

A summary of each property is given in the tables below, with properties grouped by function. A more detailed explanation of some of these properties is given below the tables

Project and branch identification properties

This section are all mandatory values - all others are optional

name purpose default
branch The branch to take commits / versions from "" (current branch)
projectName name of the project, used to identify the local and remote project repo "not specified"
remoteRepUser name of the remote repo user "not specified"
projectDirParent File object pointing to parent directory of project null

Version or control

Output can be based on versions taken from Git tags, or simply a collection of commits, collated into a "pseudo version". The two cannot be mixed, and the mode of operation is determined by this single property:

name purpose default
processingAsVersions If true, process as versions, else process as commits true

Version properties

Used only when processingAsVersions is true.

name purpose default
autoTagLatestCommit If true, unless already tagged, "pseudo tag" most recent commit true
fromVersionId Starts the change log from this version (inclusive) The oldest version
maxVersions Limits the number of versions produced. Takes precedence over [fromVersionId] 50
toVersionId Ends the change log output at this version (inclusive) The most recent version
versionTagFilter User may provide a filter instance to select which tags considered as versions All tags are versions


When processingAsVersions is true, if the latest commit does not have a version tag, the user may wish to control whether or not these "unversioned" or "unreleased" commits are presented as part of the change log.

If this property is true, and there is no tag on the most recent commit, a pseudo tag is added to it. By default, this 'version' is called 'current build', but that can be configured by the [currentBuild] property.

This can also be useful where a changelog is generated before a tag is applied.

When processingAsVersions is false (that is, versions are ignored and just commits used), this property is not used.

Default is true


If true, tags are evaluated as versions (using versionTagFilter) and the output collated into versions. The range of versions selected depends on [fromVersionId], [toVersionId] and [maxVersions]

If false, commits are processed as though they belong to a single version, and if no version tag is present on the most recent commit selected, then a CommitRangeTag is used as a placeholder. The range of commits selected depends on [fromCommitId], [toCommitId] and [maxCommits]

Default is true


Git tags may be used for a variety of purposes, not just versions. A custom implementation of VersionTagFilter can be used to filter out those tags which do not represent versions

Commit properties

Used only when processingAsVersions is false

name purpose default
fromCommitId Starts the change log from this commit (inclusive) The oldest commit
maxCommits Limits the number of commits produced 1000
toCommitId Ends the change log at this commit (inclusive). Takes precedence over [fromCommitId] The most recent commit

Output layout and presentation properties

name purpose default
currentBuildTagName Tag name to use when most recent commit is pseudo-tagged, (see autoTagLatestCommit) "current build
labelGroups A mapping of label groups to labels see property detail below
pullRequestTitle The title to use for the change log section containing pull requests "Pull Requests"
separatePullRequests If true, list PRs under their own heading, otherwise just list with other issues true
showDetail When true, show the full commit message in a detail section. true
templateName The name of the Velocity template to use for change log layout "markdown.vm"


Issues may have multiple labels, and it may not always be desirable to use every label in the change log presentation.

This property allows issues to be grouped by label - for example "testing" and "documentation" labels could be combined into a "quality" group.

Insertion order is maintained, so that the order of presentation is the same as defined by this property.

If an issue has multiple labels, it may appear in multiple places in the output, depending on how the labels are grouped.

Duplicates within a group are ignored.

Default value for this property is DefaultChangeLogConfiguration.defaultLabelGroups


When true, show the full commit message in a detail section. Also requires that the Velocity template uses this property (the default template does)

Output destination and control properties

name purpose default
outputFilename The file name to use for the change log output. Used with [outputTarget] ""
outputDirectorySpec Directory to be used as output, when [outputTarget] is [OutputTarget.USE_DIRECTORY_SPEC] File(".")
outputTarget The output directory for the generated change log. Used with [outputFilename] [OutputTarget.WIKI_ROOT]
useStoredIssues use issue records stored from previous run, if present true
storeIssuesLocally store issues so that future run does not need to access remote API so much true
issuesFilename File name to use for locally stored issues ""


The file name to use for the change log output. Used in conjunction with outputTarget. Default is "". By default therefore, a file named "" is output to the root of the wiki directory


The output directory for the generated change log. Used in conjunction with outputFilename. Default is [OutputTarget.WIKI_ROOT]. By default therefore, a file named "" is output to the root of the wiki directory


Required only when outputTarget is [OutputTarget.USE_FILE_SPEC]. This property then points to the file which is to be used as output. Default is null

Commit comment control properties

name purpose default
correctTypos If true, the [typoMap] is used to correct typos, otherwise no corrections are made. false
exclusionTags An exclusionTag stops a commit message from being processed into the Change Log. empty - no exclusions
typoMap Typo corrections, used only if [correctTypos] is true. defaultTypoMap


An exclusionTag stops a commit message from being processed into the Change Log. Any commit comment which contains an exclusion tag is just ignored.

For example, you may not want to include commits which are javadoc changes only - to do so, specify


as an exclusion tag, and include it in any commit comments as needed.

By default, there are no tags, and therefore all commit comments are included in the change log.


If [correctTypos] is true, git commit text is searched for each key in this map, and replaced by its associated value Default is [DefaultChangeLogConfiguration.defaultTypoMap] - these are limited to looking for occasions where the space has been missed out of an issue reference - for example: 'Fix#5' gets corrected to 'Fix #5'.

Of course, the original commit comment remains unchanged, these corrections apply only to the change log output.